Agent Network

We are proud to acknowledge our global presence in the ever-evolving and growing international moving companies industry. We use hand-picked subcontractors and partners located around the world to ensure the right price for the correct service. In addition to this, our IAM (International Association of Movers) membership extends our reach to a network of trusted agents throughout the world. IAM is a global association of international moving companies and forwarders committed to providing customers with the highest level of service available. Our membership allows us to obtain the best service and rates from 2,000 companies from more than 165 countries and territories. We therefore have a partner in any country, wherever life may take you. Our partnerships with international removals companies mean a better service for customers through increased efficiency and also because we work with people with expert local knowledge. It is always clear to customers whether you are dealing with ALLRIGHT MOVING & STORAGE’s staff directly or with one of our partners.

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